Friday, October 23, 2009

IPPA October Conference in the Ballymac Hotel 2009

On Sunday 4th and Monday 5th of October I hosted the IPPA October Conference at the Ballymascanlon House Hotel in Dundalk. This was a huge event not only for the IPPA as they celebrated their 60th Anniversary , but also for me personally as this event was hosted in my home town .

There were over 100 people in attendance at the Gala Dinner on the Sunday night and we had a full house for all the seminars. We had guest speakers from America and Bratislava as well as the UK. The Presidents of the Master Photographers Assoc. (UK), the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and the Federation of European Photographers (FEP) were also in attendance . It was a fantastic weekend and the feedback about the Ballymac from all who attended was brilliant.

I was awarded an Honary Life Membership of the IPPA, for all my work for the association. I am still in shock!! It was totally unexpected and a great honour to receive.

Vinnie O Byrne, who is a personal friend as well as President of the MPA presented me with my award.

The presentation was all the sweeter because my children were there to help me celebrate and celebrate we

Keep watching out for new blogs

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